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Texas, United States

Thursday, March 5, 2009

And the winner is.....

I'm thinking that I should've named my blogspot Nolan's Korner!! I'm sorry that this has turned out to be almost all about bragging about my beautiful, handsome, smart son but he and my wonderful husband are my life and what keeps me going - along w/ The Man upstairs!! Anyway, to the story - as you all (if there is anyone out there reading this!!) know - Tuesday was the first class that Nolan had w/ the older boys. And I must say - even tho I'm pretty partial - that he did really well!! Every once in a while Mr. Tony will award the (I call it spirit stick 'cause I can't remember the official name of it) spirit stick to the student that shows the most leadership and focus thru the class time. It was awarded to - you guessed it - Nolan!! He did really well seeing that it was the first time (other than the belt graduations) that he was in a class so large and w/ older more trained boys in it! He got to bring it home and show it off and then we'll bring it back to class tonight and wait until Mr. Tony brings it out again! Mom and dad are SO PROUD!!

1 comment:

  1. WAY TO GO LITTLE BRO! btw- gotta change my age on your profile ;)getting old over here
