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Texas, United States

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stomach dropped - heart stopped!!

Ever had that feeling simultaneously?!?!?! That's what happened when I went to pick up Nolan from school today!!! I'll back track a little bit and mention that we have been up since 3:15 (a.m. that is!!). Actually, awake at 3:15 - out of bed at 4!! Robert is in Odessa this week and all last evening Nolan kept asking me if he could sleep w/ me. That's not our norm - until dad's gone!! Or we're at my parent's w/o dad. I (selfishly) told him "not tonight". I was pretty tired and knew that I wouldn't sleep well if he was in bed w/ me. He didn't balk much at all and at bedtime I tucked him into his bed w/o incident. Well, low and behold - come 3:15 he and Harley came into my room wanting a drink of water. He takes a sip from my glass and asks if he could lay w/ me. I look at the clock and begrudgingly say "sure, sweetie" and he crawls in! He proceeds to tell me that Harley woke him up w/ her snoring!! We lay there - trying to get back to sleep. Him chatting - me telling him to be quiet and go to sleep. He's quiet for a few minutes and then senses me fixin to tell him to go to sleep - he tells me "I'm laying here waiting for the sun to come up!!" I, of course, tell him that it'll be awhile - to go to sleep!! We do this on and off for about 45 minutes and then he says "Mom, let's just get up"! Sure, why not!?!? What are the odds of going back to sleep now?? We get up and watch "Speed Racer" at 4 o'clock in the morning!! Thus begins our day!! Back to the topic of this post: I walk into Grace and go around the corner down the corridor to his room and there he stands - outside of his classroom w/ a fellow classmate and the PRINCIPAL!! Yes, the principal!! Heart stops - stomach drops. OMG!!!!!!! Immediately I plan a disciplinary plan - which isn't easy to come up w/ for him!! I stop - he stops!! Looks at me - looks at the principal and says "that's my mom!!" I'm like - GREAT - what do I do!?! I see another lady waiting "on the side-lines" and decide to stand back and out of view. Waiting, waiting, waiting for what seemed like an eternity. I make my way closer and finally the principal walks by w/ the other little boy (to my relief) and makes eye contact w/ me and says "he's fine". I mouth "thank you" to her and lift my head to the Good Lord above and tell Him thank you too!!! There really was no doubt that Nolan did anything wrong - but I didn't want to be that parent that thinks their child could do no wrong!! Especially, seeing how early we started the day and how sassy he's gotten (not to mention the Tae Kwon Do classes that we are taking and knowing that he has used it when he's gotten his belly full of someone!!) It ended up being that the other boy threw a Lego block and hit Nolan upside his head and Nolan was in the hall so that the child could apologize to him!!! Oh what a relief - other than getting VERY frustrated that Nolan is the brunt of many incidents like this - I am so thankful and proud of our son that he held himself in check - once again!!!! I just hate to see it when he does get his belly full!!!

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