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Texas, United States

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dear Santa

...dear Jesus and dear ME!!! As most of you know, I am a total procrastinator! So you can imagine how proud of myself I was when I purchased Nolan's gift from Santa this past Thursday!! YAY for me!!! Right - ya'd think!!! I purchased it and placed it in the trunk - yes, you know the direction this is going - after I dropped Nolan off at school and then went back to school for his Thanksgiving feast. (Future post) I had to brag to Amy that I purchased the gift and that it concerned me that Nolan would change his mind and ask Santa for something different. Little did I know then - I had bigger fish to fry!! The gift rode along happily in the trunk - forgotten by mom until we (yes, Nolan and I) went to the grocery store today in an attempt to put another chore behind me (trying to kick the procrastination problem - honey!!) We shopped, we paid, we walked out to the parking lot and I popped the trunk open and - guess what was lurking inside!!! Yep, you guessed it - THE GIFT FROM SANTA!! No sooner the trunk popped open, mom grabs it to shut it and almost knocked out my precious son with the corner of the trunk (the second time today I hit him in the head - first time it was w/ my elbow)!! I immediately said "oh, sh--" and slammed down the trunk. The poor sacker just kinda looked at me and the most observant kid in the world (yes, another trait he gets from his dad!!) said!! "Oh, mom - my BATMAN CAVE!!!!!". Yep, he saw it!! I explained to the young, naive sacker that it was his gift from Santa - Jeez, new thought - he was probably young enough to still believe too LOL!! He asked me how old Nolan is and then he suggested that when we get into the car to just play the radio and sing and "get rid of his short term memory" UM, we're talking about Nolan - the 12 year old in a four year old body!! Okay, 5 year old body!! But, I thought I'd give it the old college try! I sat down in the car and he's already warting me to death!!! "I wanna see my surprise!! You're such a good mom!! It's so cool!!!..." All the while I was trying to pull out all the stops - there's not a Batcave in the trunk. It's just your TV. Finally, I told him that I picked it up for Vicki for Blake - yeah, like that would work. His best buddy getting a Batcave and Nolan had to wait til Christmas!! He said that Blake couldn't have the same Super Hero that he does. He likes Star Wars...... I GIVE UP!! Then a thought crossed my mind - I'll take it out of the trunk and put it in the shed. So I snuck out the door (actually locked myself out - yes, I did remember to grab the keys) and put the Batcave in the shed!!
LORD JESUS - PLEASE HELP ME REMEMBER TO WARN ROBERT THAT IT IS IN THERE AND TO MOVE IT ASAP!!! We've been home for almost 2 hrs now and every 3 minutes he's wanting to go see it!!

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